Hey, whoever's reading this! *swipes away some cobwebs*
I know I haven't been here in a while. It's mostly because I kinda suck at blogging when working full time and running a whole lot. But enough excuses and nonsense!
While this isn't meant to be a Nintendo-focused blog, there is a fairly popular blog called Gonintendo that I follow religiously and is run by an awesome dude nicknamed Rawmeat Cowboy (RMC for short). You'll find anything and everything Nintendo-related on this blog, as well as a pretty great community of awesome people.
Unfortunately, we recently found out (via the blog) that RMC's mom recently had her DSi XL stolen when her car was broken into. Furthermore, her insurance is not covering items lost from the car. This sucks for two main reasons: first and foremost, she's a huge gamer for real. She plays a ton of games and loves puzzle games. Second, she suffers from Multiple Sclerosis, and playing the DSi XL helped her keep her mind sharp and her motor skills up at a good level (in addition to providing some fun during her downtime). Reading this story really made me feel for her and her family. I know that RMC is too humble a guy to try to solicit anything from his followers and was simply using his public platform to vent some emotion, but I wanted to do something about the situation. He has given so tirelessly to his community for years now, and even though I know he now makes enough to live somewhat comfortably, I wanted to give back in some way.
If you scroll down just a bit you should see a donate button to a PayPal account I have set up. Whether or not you know of RMC or his site, if you're feeling sorry for his mom's situation and want to do your part please donate whatever you can. We're not looking to raise a ton of money here (between $190 and $200), and I think we should have no trouble getting there as long as I can get the word out. So thanks for reading, and thank for donating if you did, and tell a friend!
*****Nintendo swooped in and replaced the DSi XL. All is well*****